Spring colour combinations

Spring came. It's time to hide down jackets, UGG boots and hats. We unpack cotton sweaters, thin blouses, silk scarves, light skirts hidden away for the winter in a far corner, and suddenly we realize that there is nothing to wear) It's time to go shopping! But what to buy - that is the question.

Pantone to the rescue: the main colours of 2021 - "Flawless Gray" (Ultimate Gray) and "Illuminating" (Illuminating) - symbolize stability, unity and hope.

To the delight of those who do not like yellow and gray, other interesting colours are also available for fashionistas (second slide).

When it comes to colour combinations for a spring photo shoot, sets of cold shades work well. Below I have provided some examples for you to guide yourself. And let’s not forget about achromatic colours: black, white and all shades of gray. If you lack clothes of the right colour, this timeless classic always helps!